Jacob Coccio

A person can always be inspired to try new things and find ways to make their life better. My name is Jake and here is a short story of one of the most defining moments of my life and it didn’t happen in my youth , it happened when I was 26. A few of my friends convinced me to come to Steven Harrell’s races in his first year of his GNCC racing career. Going to the races , meeting new people , seeing the excitement of riding really caught my interest, so I started riding his spare pit bike. I was very timid and afraid of riding but over time, that changed in every positive way. I became addicted to the thrill of being on the bike , the twist of the throttle, to rip a berm into a turn, or any little obstacle that I’ve conquered was such a adrenaline rush that it took over my life.

5 years later now , I ride every weekend I can, I plan trips to see new places and to ride new terrain. I meet new people online that share the same passion and then meet them at new places to ride. It’s not just a hobby, it’s a passion, a culture that truly is in a league of its own. Some of the best people in my life have chosen the same path I’ve found, and let me tell you that some of the best influential people are those in this community. Whether you’re a racer or just like me, someone who loves the joy of being on a bike with good people, it’s never too early or too late to experience this indescribable passion. This passion has lead Steven to fearless life organization who want to encourage kids that the life of extreme sports is the addiction kids should be doing and not down the road of alcohol and drugs.

Now that movement has reached me and with my experience in life, I’ve seen the damage drugs and alcohol have done to others and that’s not what I want to see kids or even adults go down this route. My journey wasn’t perfect in the least but I managed to make good decisions for myself to not go down the rabbit hole but others aren’t as fortunate. My goal along with fearless is to reach those who are less fortunate, who are in an essence surrounded by negative influences around them. My message to them is that there is a way out , there is more to life than just drugs and alcohol. There is a fearless life of sports that will bring you a better high than any drug will ever bring without the negative aspects with it.

Whether you’re depressed or even if you feel your life is just missing something , Let Fearless help you fill that void. Fearless will help those less fortunate financially or in precarious situations. I know the burdens of hardships of life but let me tell you , we are here to help! My goal is to work with Fearless to bring positivity and open the eyes of the youth to the community of riding. Some of us need our throttle therapy to relieve some stress of our everyday life’s and that stress shouldn’t be spent on drugs or alcohol because it doesn’t relieve it , it only creates more. I never knew this door to riding would be my salvation but god works in mysterious ways and continues to lead me in the path of making my life more fulfilled as well as sharing the fulfillment with others.

Dreams aren’t just dreams , they are visions of what you can accomplish and you don’t have to make that journey alone. I will help, I know Steven would help (just like with me ) and fearless will help. Make your life extraordinary, make your life enjoyable, and most importantly, make your life legendary!