Milo McCullough

Hello, I’m Milo McCullough and I ride for Fearless. I am so happy to have this opportunity to be a part of the team. I started scootering when I was around 11 years old and I love it so much. 

I got into scootering when I was about 11 years old. Like any other kid, I played sports, hung out with my friends, and then one day on social media I saw a video of a kid scootering at a skatepark near me. I thought to myself that it was sick seeing the kid do cool tricks and flips. And I wanted to do stuff like that. So for my 11th birthday I asked my dad for a scooter. There I was getting my first pro scooter from my local scooter shop.  I then went to the skatepark and when I stepped foot on my scooter It was like I felt a spark lit. 

I was scootering so much almost everyday, getting better and better doing cooler tricks and learning new ones. And then I got really good. Then the skatepark was like a family to me I met some of my best friends through the skatepark, and I loved it so much. I scootered on my bad days, on my sad days and I scootered on my great days. I love putting on my helmet and riding my scooter with my friends. I love being at the skatepark. I am turning 14 years old soon and still my favorite thing to do is going to the skatepark.

I hope I will one day be one of the top competitors in the world and travel the world for scootering. I like being a part of this movement because I want to help prevent the use of drugs and alcohol and instead do extreme sports.