Merisa Hendricks

Hi, my name is Merisa Hendricks. I’m from Turbotville, a small town in Pennsylvania. I started riding when I was just three years old on a LT80. That’s when my love for ATVs started. I currently race a 2008 Yamaha YFZ450. The classes I race range from Vet B to Women’s depending on which series I’m at. You can catch me at NYOA, NECXC, district 6, AWRCS and some GNCC races.

I had a life changing experience. I was involved in a bad ATV accident while racing Supercross. I spent 4 days in trauma, 3 in ICU. Off work for 6 months. I should have died. The doctors still call me a miracle. I had grade 4 lacerations to my spleen (a lot of internal bleeding) lost my left kidney, broke 6-11 left ribs, surgery on my right wrist and leg.  After this accident I said to myself: you know what? I have a second chance at life. I need to do better and live it to the fullest!  I weighed 304lbs, hated my life but I made the change. I lost 108lbs in 11 months with no doctors’ help or fancy diet plans. Just straight up hard work and determination. I’ve become an inspiration to a lot of people in my area.

I become a part of the FEARLESS movement because I experienced first hand what drugs and alcohol can/will do to your life. Being from a small town with not much to do, a lot of my friends and family chose the world of drugs. Seeing how that lifestyle destroys families and friendships. I strive to be clean. I’ve helped people get clean by introducing them to the offroad world. Showing them that there are other ways to get your “high”.

While riding, everything goes away. It clears your mind. Whatever is stressing you out, it leaves the mind for that day while you’re at the track or trail. I fully believe anything is possible and everything happens for a reason. You have to be wanting to change. Sometimes it takes something bad to happen to get you into that mindset (like it did me).

My goal is to be a role model for the young racers coming up. I would like to run more UTV races the rest of the year.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Racing a UTV is very expensive. Racing is my passion. It would help me spread the word that women can compete with the men in this sport