Steven Harrell

My name is Steven Harrell. I race ATV’s and am currently running the xc1 pro class for GNCC.  My dad got me into riding when I was about 3 years old, but I can say that just riding my ATV has always been like therapy for me.

I stand by the FEARLESS movement because I’m a prime example of someone who has seen what drugs or alcohol can do to you.  I am very much against it and so FOR extreme sports because of how they have helped me in life. Sometimes days, years, minutes and seconds can seem hopeless, but that’s not a reason to do drugs or alcohol. Instead, find an extreme sport like riding a dirt bike or ATV, even kayaking or working out!

An extreme sport is like therapy and it’s proven! You must be so focused on what you’re doing you don’t have time to think about drugs and alcohol, or any bad things on your mind. When you’re done riding you feel so good it really clears your mind. It truly has always helped me if I’m having a bad day. We all have days that aren’t as good as others but like I said it’s no reason to use drugs or alcohol. Instead find a good group of friends, find good mentors, movements to live by and people that have your back and are good people to help guide you through life, pray to God some to keep you safe. Extreme sports can be dangerous but it’s way more fulfilling than doing drugs or alcohol.

My goals for the future are to help the younger generation see what extreme sports are so important to have in life and how it’s therapy – it helps the mind get away and keep you on that good path. My goal is to show people how much an extreme sport can help you stay busy it allows you to do something you’re passionate about, something you love doing to get your mind off of the negative things going on in life. I want to show people how bad drugs really are and how they lead people into the wrong path.

Anything could help with my racing career with gas, race entries, parts etc., but more so it will help this movement to be able to give more to people that don’t have the opportunity’s to do extreme sports it gives the movement support to be able to help keep people away from drugs to allow people to follow their dreams and have an opportunity to make it big!

There’s so much more to life. I was a young kid that just loved to ride ATVs and FEARLESS has given me the opportunity to live my dream to try and become the best ATV racer in the world. I’m currently ranked 8th in the country and couldn’t be more thankful to find such a great movement to live by!

Make your life legendary!